Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Moving Toward A Dynamic Temporal Framework â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Moving Toward A Dynamic Temporal Framework? Answer: Presentation Investigating the writing survey of a picked subject is the essential piece of a specific exploration venture. In this investigation, the examination would talk about the viability of groups and gatherings inside an association. It is striking that the working in groups or gatherings is basic to create new thoughts and improve the hierarchical cohesiveness. The acquired thoughts from the hypothetical foundation created in this writing segment would introduce the shrewd information about the topic. In view of the recognized calculated thoughts, the further segment of the investigation would introduce the assessment of the character judgment. The ID of the shortcoming would be address in the self-awareness plan. Idea of Team As indicated by Britton (2015), collaboration portrays cooperating towards a typical vision or authoritative objectives. The group improvement guides the people to achieve the business destinations. The viable group building permits the ordinary citizens to accomplish the productive and remarkable outcomes. Then again, De Jong, Dirks and Gillespie (2016) characterized that the powerful cooperation is figured when the colleagues work cooperatively to execute a lot of exercises. They can without much of a stretch cooperate with others up close and personal and much every now and again (Meslec Cur?eu, 2015). The commitment of the individual part from various social foundation brings the inventive business thoughts. The cohesiveness kept up in the group exercises is very acknowledging to achieve the decided objectives (Hoch Kozlowski, 2014). The self-guided groups are consistently versatile towards changes, ready to take more duties, and concentrated on investigating the inventive techni ques. The people related inside a gathering comprehend the assignments and have the unmistakable qualities and objectives. They have the open relational abilities and they work inside the essential atmosphere of trust. Sorts of Teams The ongoing exploration in the group advancement process recognizes the different orders of the groups into a portion of the classifications. Daspit et al., (2013) opined that groups are arranged relying upon the utilitarian contrasts. A portion of these particular classes are: Virtual groups Work groups gathering Teams Undertaking Teams Boards and Cross-practical groups Elite groups In past occasions, the cooperation was worked in an up close and personal condition, standard gatherings, and deferring mediations (Ruch et al., 2016). Nonetheless, it is eminent that because of the development of the globalization and worldwide rivalry level, the organizations have improved the business strategies and operational techniques. It has made a domain where the groups are dispersed strategically and they have been working in a similar time regions. The virtual groups in this manner can speak with one another through virtual system (Colbert, Barrick Bradley, 2014). The improvement of the data innovations has likewise changed the hierarchical functionalities. The elite group is related with the people who have been performing great and adding to the beneficial boundary of the association. Consequently, the arrangement of the group is important for the authoritative improvement process. Speculations of Team Role The broad exploration dependent in the group improvement process is giving the information about the hypothetical idea. This segment of the examination would talk about the hypothesis based investigation of the hierarchical groups playing out the various jobs. The hypothetical examination is introduced underneath: Belbins Team Role Analysis In building up the reasonable information about the group job inside an association, Belbins group job hypothesis is a lot of accommodating. He has led the broad exploration in the group execution process (Mathieu et al., 2014). At long last, he has recognized that nine explicit jobs are important to develop to frame a total gathering. The nonattendance of any of these jobs would not plan the gathering movement. In investigating the group good example, it is important to set up the propensity to contribute, carry on, and interrelate with others in a huge way (Beer Vazire, 2017). The hypothesis empowers the improvement of the self-information by imparting and planning with one another. The outline of Belbins job is isolated into three groups, for example, activity arranged, individuals situated and cerebral jobs. The implementer, shaper, and completer-finisher have a place with the gathering of activity arranged group. Then again, the group specialist, facilitator, and asset agents ha ve a place with the individuals arranged gathering. At last, the plant, pro, and screen evaluator are incorporated to the cerebral jobs. Plant is the gathering of individuals who are a lot of innovative, imaginative, and irregular. They typically take the dynamic investment on settling the troublesome issues. They even speak with others with much proficiency. Then again, the develop, sure, and great director is the gathering of individuals who consistently participate in the dynamic procedure. The implementers are the dependable, trained and much proficient to explain objectives and goals. The screen evaluators are the ones who attempt the vital choice precisely. The total finishers are frequently hesitant to delegate and they scan for the oversights and mistakes (McAbee Connelly, 2016). In this way, it is eminent that the commitment of the individuals with various abilities is gainful enough in building up the group cohesiveness. It is striking that because of the rise of the globalization and worldwide rivalry level, the organizations have improved the business strategies and operational techniques. It has made a si tuation where the groups are dispersed strategically and they have been working in a similar time regions. As needs be, the botch of the group can lead towards inability to accomplish the authoritative objectives. Rundown The writing study gives the hypothetical thoughts regarding the group and gathering improvement. It is perceptible that the worker proficiency helps in achieving the hierarchical objectives and destinations. The improvement of the hypothetical thoughts in this writing area discovers that the group advancement or gathering cohesiveness is basic for dealing with the complex hierarchical functionalities. In view of these thoughts, the further area of the examination would talk about the improvement of character tests. The got thoughts from these tests would be useful enough in organizing the self-awareness plan further in this investigation. Competency Skill Judgment through Johari Window The outcomes got from the Johari Window test give the unmistakable indicative report with respect to my character attributes. I have seen that I have barely any characteristics that are referred to other people and me too. For instance, I am very versatile, dependable, and reasonable. I am a lot of lively, cheerful, and certain that are known to self however not to other people. The others know my trademark as a supportive, insightful, and mindful, which is a visually impaired game to me. Aside from these trademark, a portion of the obscure characteristics are additionally noticeable in me. For example, I can set up a decent holding with my partners for which they can feel good and offer their interests with me. These qualities are very vital in social event the sufficient thoughts regarding the clashing situation and settling the issues right away. The outgoing conduct has helped me in setting up the unmistakable correspondence with the related staffs. Then again, I focus towards ot hers passionate perspective. Thus, I can perceive their viewpoint before I assume any situation or embrace any choice. Be that as it may, it is significant for me to focus on the demonstrable skill a. my powerless point is I effectively trust individuals that may make the negative outcomes. I have to focus on others aims and judge the situation a long time before embrace a specific choice. Competency Skill Judgment through Thomas Khilmans Conflict Questionnaire The examination of the competency aptitudes through Thomas Khilmans Conflict Questionnaire portrays that I have five most particular attributes. First is contending, which guarantees my certainty and assurance towards satisfying any action. I take the dynamic interest in the difficult circumstances. Second is evading, which discovers that I may overlook a portion of the circumstances that are not worth talking about during any compromise procedure. I accept that maintaining a strategic distance from these circumstances would build up the better results. Third is pleasing, which indicates that I am very giving and yielding. In the event that any of the results would request abandoning my need plan, I would like to do as such. I am movable as indicated by the circumstance. Fourth is teaming up that guarantees my capacity to speak with others and work together. I can team up with other partner to settle on any pertinent choice. Fifth is trading off, which discovers that I can bargain if the circumstance look for any decided choice. For this situation, I have perceived my shortcoming in being less expository. I have to comprehend the circumstance and the after outcomes before I make any trade off. It is fundamental for me to settle on the insightful choice before relinquishing at the vital situation. Examination of Big 5 Test The Big 5 Test is another demonstrative instrument for recognizing the competency abilities. After the test, I have assembled information about a portion of the particular qualities of mine. The receptiveness decides the propensity of an individual to think past the circumstance to manage the mind boggling situation. I have scored 73% in receptiveness that is firmly disposed towards the social qualities and interests of others. This midrange score guarantees that I am neither traditionalist nor innovative. I score 78% in reliable that decide the chance of being progressive in the profession. I have the h
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Music Piracy Is a Good Thing Free Essays
Music Piracy is a Good thing Pirating music is one of the most well-known violations on the planet that happens regular. Be that as it may, ones you read this paper, I trust you will understand this issue from with an improved point of view, it may not look like such a horrendous wrongdoing all things considered. Best craftsmen make during the many millions consistently as indicated by eHow. We will compose a custom article test on Music Piracy Is a Good Thing or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now com. On the off chance that that’s reality, how severely is robbery truly harming these individuals? On the off chance that music theft is affecting the craftsman so much, at that point for what reason do larger part of the specialists are living in chateaus greater than the White House? On the off chance that pilfering music harms performers pay so gravely it would appear, and after this season of pilfering music it hasn’t. Music theft benefits craftsmen more than it harms, in this way it ought to be lawful. Music theft is for the most part dedicated by individuals who are regular individuals who have normal pay occupations and have families who wind up being sued by large record organizations over downloading music for nothing. It appears to be a piece to ravenous when you take a gander at the distinction in pay between the craftsman and the individuals who download the tunes. ( †¦) state that the individuals who privateer the music are bound to go to the show and purchase the collections in the wake of downloading music (Ernesto). Likewise, individuals who privateer music tracks are probably going to build up an association with the groups orartists and that will prompt them going to the shows, purchasing collections and product. When placing this issue in context, record organizations are simply searching for cash with no thought for the methods of getting it. Record organizations begin suing individuals who have downloaded music for strange measure of cash in endeavor to threaten and frighten away the fellons from downloading music wrongfully. The fundamental gatherings influenced are school kids that don’t have the cash. Sarah Barg was a sophomore at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Sarah got an email from a name organization expressing that she owed $3,000 to the Recording Industry Association of America (Bratton). For that sum,, Sarah would be paying $7. 87 for every melody. Lion's share of the melodies she pilfered were from the eighties and weren’t even applicable any longer, but then she was engaging record company’s in court over them. Sixty understudies like Sarah at UNL got the equivalent comparable, just as hundreds conveyed to more than sixty different colleges the nation over. Not knowing ow else to deal with the circumstance, Barg reached her folks and they needed to cover her settlement. â€Å"I don’t realize what I would have done. I’m just 20 years old,†says Barg. Well more than 500 understudies over the states have paid settlements to abstain from being sued. â€Å"I consider it to be bullying,†UNL first year recruit Andrew Johnson says, â€Å"Legally, it bodes well, since we don’t have the cash to retaliate. †Johnson wrongfully downloaded one melody and settled $3,000 to abstain from being sued for one tune. The cash utilized originated from the multi year old’s school store and he presently needs to maintain two sources of income to make up for his misfortunes. The record organizations appear to focus on those can’t retaliate. In 2007, significant record organizations, for example, Warner music gatherings, Warner Bros Records, Inc. , and Sony BMG Music Entertainment, attempted to sue a little youngster from Texas named Whitney Harper for wrongfully downloading music from document sharing systems on the web (Malisow). Whitney was at the time was sixteen years of age and was being sued for at least $750 per tune when Whitney downloaded thirtyseven melodies. That is somewhat over $20,000 and she is just sixteen years of age. Harper attempted to utilize the Innocent Infringer Act that would decrease expenses to $200 per tune. So as to achieve that, Harper needed to demonstrate she was unconscious of the copyright laws by asserting that the copyright notice put on compact discs were not on the record sharing systems on the Internet along these lines she was uninformed. The organizations alluded to the sixteen-year-old as a â€Å"long term monstrous infringer†of copyright laws. Harper cautioned that if the organizations won the case that downloading music off the Internet would never be guiltless encroachment. The Harper case is one the couple of after numerous years despite everything experiencing government court. The organizations had expressed they were going to start progressing endlessly from suing people and discover better methods for fixing the issue. Following quite a while of record organizations utilizing a terrorizing strategy to fix the pilfering issue, it accomplished nothing for them in light of the fact that the measure of privateers just went up, and the endeavors by the organizations were much of the time pointless. As indicated by the Wall Street Journal, they endeavored suing many single parents, a thirteen-year-old young lady, and a dead peope. The new methodology is for the organizations to work with Internet specialist co-ops and when music is eing pilfered the client gets an admonition that they will lose Internet administration on the off chance that they continue(WSJ. com). The organizations despite everything maintain all authority to sue in the event that somebody is an overwhelming violator or has overlooked a few admonitions, yet even with this new framework, it de spite everything appears as though the organizations are just out for cash, however trying to get away from negative consideration from the media, they change their methodology. As per The Independent, individuals who unlawfully download music likewise spend more cash on music, shows, stocks than any other person. The Secretary of State for Business, Peter Mandelson, expressed that the record organizations new way to deal with get serious about illicit down loaders by cutting off web access might hurt the music business more than help it. â€Å"The individuals who record share are the ones who are keen on music. They use document sharing as a disclosure component. †The specialists likewise have blended feelings over record sharing, whatever as James Blunt and Lily Allen are against theft and Shakira is star piracy(Shields). Locales have come out with month to month bills for boundless music designs that appear to be more pleasant. A few specialists don’t feel influenced by document sharing and bolster the way that robbery makes a greater fan base for them. Groups like Angels and Airwaves have delivered free records so copyright wasn’t an issue. They figure that the fans will at present come see them play and record deals aren’t the main thing to being in a fruitful band. A few specialists don’t appear to understand that. Most specialists make bounty off of record deals even with a robbery issue, so legal disputes and claims on ordinary individuals by record organizations appears to be somewhat ravenous and narrow minded. Indeed, even with the new laws, they are as yet pushing to stop this relentless issue. Today music theft is alluded to as a dead issue. Most cases that are as yet pending are being dropped. This year a $54,000 fine on a single parent of four was dropped by the U. S. Locale Court Judge, Micheal Davis, who expressed theft is â€Å"no longer enormous and stunning. The requirement for discouragement can't legitimize a 2,000,000 decision for taking and disseminating twenty-four tunes for the sole motivation behind acquiring free music†(physorg. om). Thomas Rasset was sentenced in 2007 and was requested to pay $220,000, yet the appointed authority who managed the preliminary canceled the decision, saying it was â€Å"wholly lopsided and abusive. †Her case was one of the thousands that had really made it to court. In 2011, with new laws, these cases ought not be disregarded. The individuals who lost cases ought to be redressed and apologized to in light of the fact that they don't did anything other than have an enthusiasm for the craftsman. Instructions to refer to Music Piracy Is a Good Thing, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
Magical Attic Flower Bouquet Coloring Page
Magical Attic Flower Bouquet Coloring Page A purrrr-fectly challenging coloring page for blooming young artists! Help children develop fine-motor skills with this fun but intricate coloring page from The Magical Attic. Decorating Crystal Cat's large bouquet requires some time, patience, and attention to detail - but the results will look amazing when tacked on a bulletin board or refrigerator! BCP Imagines BCP Imagines BCP Imagines designs and develops unique multimedia that brings children and their families creative, fun, shared experiences. Our award-winning cross-platform content encourages creative learning, expression and play while helping kids of ALL ages open their imaginations and look at their world in a new way. BCP Imagines' multi-award winning series Drawing with Mark brings the joy of learning to draw to all ages. The Magical Attic?, where anything is possible,? was created to help foster imagination and creative play while encouraging positive attitudes emphasizing the important lessons of kindness, friendship and helping others. Visit the Magical Attic store or purchase the Drawing with Mark collection!
Magical Attic Flower Bouquet Coloring Page
Magical Attic Flower Bouquet Coloring Page A purrrr-fectly challenging coloring page for blooming young artists! Help children develop fine-motor skills with this fun but intricate coloring page from The Magical Attic. Decorating Crystal Cat's large bouquet requires some time, patience, and attention to detail - but the results will look amazing when tacked on a bulletin board or refrigerator! BCP Imagines BCP Imagines BCP Imagines designs and develops unique multimedia that brings children and their families creative, fun, shared experiences. Our award-winning cross-platform content encourages creative learning, expression and play while helping kids of ALL ages open their imaginations and look at their world in a new way. BCP Imagines' multi-award winning series Drawing with Mark brings the joy of learning to draw to all ages. The Magical Attic?, where anything is possible,? was created to help foster imagination and creative play while encouraging positive attitudes emphasizing the important lessons of kindness, friendship and helping others. Visit the Magical Attic store or purchase the Drawing with Mark collection!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Most Important Bankruptcy Supreme Court Cases - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1336 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/08 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Supreme Court Cases Essay Did you like this example? The Most Important Bankruptcy Supreme Court Cases Issue Whether debtor’s retained counsel could be compensated for the fees and expenses incurred in the defense of its bankruptcy fee application. Facts The Southern District of Texas Bankruptcy Court awarded Baker Botts, LLP, along with Jordan, Hyden, Womber, Culbreth Holzer, PC, approximately $120 million in fees for representing ASARCO, LLC, one of the leading copper producers in the U.S., who filed for Chapter 11. As the bankruptcy court noted in its initial fee award order, the DOJ described the ASARCO case as â€Å"the largest environmental bankruptcy in U.S. history.†In 2009 ASARCO emerged with a reorganization plan that would pay its creditors in full, $1.4 billion in cash and resolution of its environmental liabilities. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Most Important Bankruptcy Supreme Court Cases" essay for you Create order Baker Botts filed for a final fee request, which ASARCO contested. After extensive discovery and a 6-day trial, the Bankruptcy Court overruled the objections and awarded $120 million in compensation, $4.1 million as an â€Å"enhancement for exceptional performance,†and $5 million in fees for defending the applications. The district court affirmed. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held that the Bankruptcy Code did not allow the firms to recover $5 million spent defending the fee request against Asarcos opposition. The Fifth Circuit held that (i) the American Rule (discussed below) controls absent explicit statutory authority providing reimbursement of defense fees and (ii) defense fees fall outside of  §330(a)(1)’s requirement that services are only compensable â€Å"if they are likely to benefit a debtor’s estate or are necessary to case administration†because the professional, not the estate, is the â€Å"primary beneficiary of a profe ssional fee application.†The Supreme Court then granted certiorari and heard oral argument on February 25, 2015. Holding On June 15, 2015, the Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the Fifth Circuit in finding that fee defense costs were not recoverable. Justice Thomas wrote the opinion for a six Justice majority (Justice Sotomayor concurring for purposes of the outcome). Justice Breyer dissented, joined by Justices Kagan and Ginsburg. The Supreme Court’s review of the language of Bankruptcy Code  §330(a)(1) led the Court to conclude that it did not provide the sort of â€Å"explicit statutory authority†necessary to override the American Rule and therefore bankruptcy professionals employed under  §327(a) of the Bankruptcy Code may not, under  §330(a)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, recover as compensation fees incurred in defending their bankruptcy fee applications. The Court’s majority stated, â€Å"[t]he word ‘services’ ordinarily refers to ‘labor performed for another.’†Since Baker Botts was litigating to defend its own fees, the Court reason ed that it was not providing an â€Å"actual, necessary service†to the bankruptcy estate and therefore was not entitled to compensation for such time. Baker Botts’ Significance and Aftermath Following the issuance of the Baker Botts opinion, bankruptcy professionals have raised concerns that the ruling will lead to litigants tactically using fee objections to pressure debtors and their retained professionals. However, since the Baker Botts decision questions have been raised whether there is a possible workaround. That question has been tested in cases since Baker Botts. For example, in the Delaware cases In re Boomerang Tube, LLC, et al. Case No. 15-11247 (MFW) and In re Northshore Mainland Services, Inc., et al. (15-11402-KJC) (a/k/a the Baha Mar case), the bankruptcy court declined to allow Baker Botts ruling to be avoided by contract. In the Boomerang case, the law firm for the official committee of unsecured creditors asked for the fee approval order to include a provision that would entitle it to be compensated from the bankruptcy estate for fees incurred in defending its fees against any challenges. The law firm relied upon  §328 of the Bankruptcy Code, which allows for the retention of estate professionals â€Å"on any reasonable terms and conditions†arguing that the Supreme Court in Baker Botts recognized that parties could and regularly did contract around the American Rule. The Boomerang Court denied the request and held that  §328 does not create a statutory exception to the American Rule, because it does not mention awarding fees or costs in the context of an adversarial proceeding. In support of the court’s ruling, the Boomerang Court rejected the law firm’s argument that  §328 permitted a contractual agreement for the payment of defense fees because the retention agreement was between the law firm and the official creditors’ committee, but it would be Boomerang Tube’s bankruptcy estate, a non-party to such agreement, that would bear the costs. Finally, the Boomerang Court determined that the proposed fee shifting provisions were not â€Å"reasonable†terms of employment of professionals with the meaning of  §328. However, decisions in two other cases, In re Nortel Networks, 2017 Bankr. LEXIS 674 (Bankr. D. Del. Mar. 8, 2017) and in a New Mexico case, In re Hungry Horse LLC, Case No. 16-11222, distinguished Boomerang Tube and permitted contractual provisions that allow payment for the defense of fees. Nortel Networks that Baker Botts and Boomerang Tube did not apply to a fee dispute between an indenture trustee and certain bondholders, and permitted the trustee to recover its attorneys’ fees for defending against the challenge. Although this case is not directly on point as it did not involve an estate professional, and Judge Gross was not opining on whether Section 328 would permit such an agreement, he held that the bond indenture qualified as a contractual exception to the American Rule, noting that, unlike the retention agreement in Boomerang Tube, it was an agreement directly between the debtor and the trustee. In Hungry Horse New Mexico Bankruptcy Judge David Thuma looked to Nortel Networks for support in holding that a retention agreement in a chapter 11 case between proposed debtor’s counsel and the debtor could pass muster under Section 328, thereby permitting a contractual work-around to Baker Botts. Judge Thuma first determined that nothing in Baker Botts prevented a bankruptcy court from finding a fee defense provision in a retention agreement to be â€Å"reasonable†within the meaning of Section 328. In his reading of Baker Botts, the Court simply limited the compensation an estate professional could receive under Section 330 to fees for services to the client, rather than on its own behalf, and noted that Section 328 had no applicability to that issue. He then considered various other provisions typical of retention agreements, and observed that several were â€Å"reasonable†under Section 328 even if they were intended to favor the professional, rather than the client. He pointed to provisions, among other things, setting out retainer requirements, permitting an attorney to withdraw under certain conditions, and granting a lien on certain recoveries. â€Å"A typical employment agreement between a lawyer and a client has many terms; some benefit the client, while others benefit the lawyer. Considered together, they may be reasonable.† The overall effect, he noted, is that â€Å"the client obtains the services of needed, able professionals.†Judge Thuma concluded that Section 328 therefore can permit contractual exceptions to the American Rule, and outlined the terms of a fee defense provision in a retention agreement that he believed was â€Å"reasonable†and â€Å"violat[ed] neither the letter nor spirit of [Baker Botts].† He stated that, among other things, it needed to be agreed to by the bankruptcy estate, in order to avoid the issue highlighted by Judge Walrath in Boomerang Tube, and provided also that it extended to the creditors’ committee’s professionals, in order to â€Å"level the playing field.† He suggested sample language that he believed could be acceptable under Section 328: Fee Defense. The Client agrees to pay all reasonable legal fees and expenses incurred by the Firm, and also by any counsel retained by the unsecured creditors’ committee (if one is formed in the Client’s bankruptcy case) for successfully defending their respective fee applications. The bankruptcy court must approve all of such fees as reasonable. The Client will have no obligation to pay for any fees or expenses the Firm incurs defending fees that are not allowed. The pragmatic approach taken in Hungry Horse in particular offers a template that other courts will likely be urged to adopt.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Police Misconduct and Corruption - 2063 Words
INTRODUCTION For as long as policing has existed in America, there has been misconduct and corruption associated with any given policing agency. Police officer malfeasance can range from minor cases of misconduct to the downright criminal acts that are considered to be corruption. It is important to state here that not all police officers are guilty of misconduct and/or corruption, but like everything in our media-based society, the ?bad? cops are of much more interest and therefore are what this paper will focus on. Merriam-Webster online (2005) defines misconduct as ?1: mismanagement especially of governmental or military responsibilities; 2: intentional wrongdoing; specifically: deliberate violation of a law or standard especially by a†¦show more content†¦Maybe it is because police feel the need to protect themselves when being threatened by a person that they view is capable of causing them major bodily harm. Maybe it is because police band together even if they are in the wrong against people that they view as outsiders that are trying to tell them how to do their job. There are numerous reasons why police misconduct and police corruption aren?t easily defined, but probably the most important one is that not everyone has the same moral standards and a lot of people would define that which is ethical differently. Many justify their behavior by telling themselves that as long as no one else is getting hurt by their actions and as long as no one else finds out about their behavior then what they are doing is okay. Many others still justify their behavior by telling themselves that everyone else only looks out for himself or herself and that they are going to do the same even if it means having to break a few laws and hurt people along the way. WHY MISCONDUCT AND CORRUPTION OCCUR There are several theories as to why police misconduct and corruption occur. One theory centers on the police working personality. According to Schmalleger (2005) police officers share certain characteristics that are part of the police working personality. Insecurity, secrecy, hostility, cynicism, and being individualistic are a few of the characteristicsShow MoreRelatedPolice Corruption and Misconduct2992 Words  | 12 PagesPolice Corruption and Misconduct We all know that Police Officers and those involved in Law Enforcement are typically good people who we entrust to uphold our laws and rules in society. For them to be able to do their job however we grant them several privileges that that empower them more than the average citizen. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Persuasive Essay On Abortion - 1635 Words
What is overpopulation? Overpopulation has been defined as a situation where the number of people in an environment exhausts all available resources weakening its needed support. (Morse Mosher) For years there have been reports of how many people are expected to live on earth by the year 2050, 2075, and so on. However, the question remains as to whether everyone will have a secured spot. Today, in 2017 there have been plenty of fights with the scarcity of resources, where overpopulation becomes the topic of conversation. However, to solve this issue the option of abortion was brought to the forefront by scientists and advocates such as Dan Savage who mentioned that abortion should be mandatory for the next 30 years in or to control the†¦show more content†¦population is projected to increase from 319 million to 417 million, reaching 400 million in 2051. The U.S. population is projected to grow more slowly in future decades than in the recent past, as these projections assume that fertility rates will continue to decline and that there will be a modest decline in the overall rate of net inter-national migration†. (Colby Ortman) In addition, according to the most accurate results reported in 2013, the total amount of abortions in the U.S. that year came to be 664,435 in comparison to a number of 3 million births that year. (CDC) As shown in the graph below it’s proven that as abortion rates decrease the population and Medicaid costs increases. Fig. 1. Graph of reported population and abortions from 2010-2013. Credit of Considering the thought of raising the number of these medical procedures comes the question of how it will affect society. For those who pay taxes their funds are a contribution to the Title X portion of federal funding, who is estimated to spend about 385 billion dollars on Medicaid this year. (CBO) For those who have private insurance, services are paid for directly out of pocket, but in the case of low-income families who receive Medicaid or government assistance, the battle over Planned Parenthood is the main contender. Under the workings of the Public Service Health Act government funding contributes to the services of family planning health centers such as PlannedShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay About Abortion993 Words  | 4 Pagesin two peoples perspectives. The story consisted of a daughter (Deb) and mother’s perspective after the death of her father. The purpose of this layout is to show how they are both grieving in individual ways. Writing for the persuasive wa s presented as an essay on why abortion should be accessible in every country, and to also outline the shame women receive. Purpose Purpose for writing publication- Purpose for writing a real-estate article was to inform a potential buyer on the house showed. AlsoRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay1119 Words  | 5 Pages To begin with, there has always been an extensive issue with the topic of abortion, why? Well, it’s a tough subject and can get extremely emotional and very defensive. Honestly, people just need to open up their eye’s and understand that its murder and not just a choice. It is murder because two can create a blessing and the choice of aborting it, is more like a sacrifice for the reason a mother can’t carry a baby for nine months. Whether a person is a minor, young adult, or an adult and is inRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay755 Words  | 4 Pagesinstead these babies are torn limb by limb, burned, and many other tortuous methods to end the precious life. Abortion is murder and is not only very cruel to the unborn baby but it also harms the mother. Pro-choice is an escape from the harsh reality that a baby is being murdered, and in my eyes a life should only be terminated if God himself is ready to call them home. One reason why abortion is wrong is because they are many other safe solutions that would give the child a chance at life. AdoptionRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion917 Words  | 4 PagesAbortions in Texas consist of ending a pregnancy of an unborn child before it can live out of the mother womb. However if the pregnancy ends not on purpose before the twenty four week mark then technically it would be considered a miscarriage. Though inducing the abortion on purpose has caused a lot of controversy over the past century. Deliberately putting people on one of two sides of this issues, of either being for it, which would be considered Pro Choice. Or in the other category of the ProRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion1228 Words  | 5 Pagesmillion pregnancies each year in the United States, 1.6 million end up in abortion†(Hern). Because of the numerous traumatic psychological, physical, and overall irresponsible behavior or actions constantly encouraged due to abortio n, it should be banned, and forever illegal. Killing one’s own fetus has been linked to psychological distress which has been channeled into many different cases of substance abuse. â€Å"Induced abortion has been linked to increased rates of substance abuse, especially amongRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay804 Words  | 4 Pagesfamily with someone. Often times accidents happen in which people didn’t plan for, and can lead to many financial problems or neglect of one’s child because the parents weren’t prepared to be parents. This is why there should be the option of abortion. Abortion needs to be an option for everyone because it helps from long lasting mental states, infection, economical problems, and or having conceived from a non consensual circumstance. Pregnancy is a hard and unforgiving to the woman’s body. In factRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion954 Words  | 4 Pagesand nations who destroy life by abortion and euthanasia are the poorest. I do not say legal or illegal, but I think that no human hand should be raised to kill life, since life is God’s life in us, even in an unborn child.†Do you know what abortion really is? Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. Abortion seems to be more common in today’s society. Numerous amounts of individuals support abortion, and do not realize how it affectsRead MoreAbortion Persuasive Essay736 Words  | 3 Pagesfavor of abortion rights. The decision was 7-2, it stated that it showed a â€Å"right of privacy.†Abortions have been performed for thousands of years all around the world, even though many women died from it. Women nowadays have a choice of whether they want to get an abortion. Abortions do come with risk, one of them being death, but women should still have a right and say what they want to do with pregnancy and not be judged by others for doing so. Today the debate across the world is if abortion shouldRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion1321 Words  | 6 Pagessomeone who may be suicidal or who is suicidal himself/herself. As for taking away fetus’ lives, the damage that abortion makes on life can be proven with the statistics. According to Casey, â€Å"over the past 44 years, one-sixth (60,000,000) of the American population has been killed by elective abortion. Twenty-five percent of African-Americans are killed in the womb America,†(Should Abortion Be Legal n.p.). The figure 60,000,000 is a depressing number considering that these children could have been futureRead MorePersuasive Essay On Abortion723 Words  | 3 Pagescontraception I want to discuss is sterilization. For an idea that is so broadly accepted in private, contraception certainly generates a lot of opposition when discussed in public. Some people think when we talk about contraception that it’s code for abortion. It’s obviously not the same thing. Let’s be honest, people are just uncomfortable with the topic because it’s about sex. And sex talk in this country is kept on the hush even though we are sold sex via advertising left and right. Some people worry
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Bipolar Disorder Cause of Great Madness or Great G Essay Example For Students
Bipolar Disorder Cause of Great Madness or Great G Essay enius Essay written by Is bipolar disorder the cause of great madness or great genius? The symptoms of this mental illness may also be considered as the driving forces behind some of the most gifted and talented people to grace our society. Although individuals with this illness may have some obstacles to overcome, it can be accomplished. With all of the treatment programs that are widely available, people have many options and methods to turn to for help. Bipolar disorder, also referred to as manic depression, is a mood disorder. A person with bipolar disorder will have extreme mood shifts between mania, a state of highly elevated euphoric feelings, and depression, a state of despondency and despair. These shifts can take weeks, days, or even minutes to happen. The period between shifts will vary for each individual, depending on the severity of the disorder (Williams Wilkins, 1999, pp. 5-35). Approximately two percent of adults have this mental illness, and about fifteen percent of those adults will attempt suicide. Bipolar disorder affects both men and women and the affected rates are similar between different cultures and countries. Most people with bipolar disorder experience their first mood episode in their twenties, although it is not uncommon to experience the first episode during childhood or in late life (Bi-polar Disorder: Innovative Research in Health, 2000). Bipolar disorder is not a curable disorder, although it is treatable. Bipolar is among the most treatable of the psychiatric illnesses (Manic-Depressive/Bipolar Disorder, 2000). It is important for people who believe that they may need help to seek it as soon as possible because the earlier that bipolar disorder can be diagnosed the earlier treatments can start. Even after experiencing an episode, even after sensing that something may be wrong, individuals who seek help may not initially receive the correct diagnosis from a medical professional. Because of the similarity of symptoms, bipolar disorder may initially be misdiagnosed as panic disorder, schizophrenia, or attention deficit disorder (Bi-polar Disorder: Innovative Research in Health, 2000). Bipolar may also be difficult to diagnose because the person seeking help may not be telling the doctor everything the doctor needs to know to correctly identify the problem. Medical professionals may only diagnose a person as having depression because they have no knowledge of the excessive enthusiasm that the patient feels. It is important for individuals seeking medical help to be accurate and thorough in describing their feelings or symptoms (Manic-Depressive/Bipolar Disorder, 2000). A person experiencing a manic episode may have increased energy and/or racing thoughts. Feelings of euphoria and/or an increased pressure to talk may also be symptoms. A person in this stage of the illness may have uncharacteristically poor judgement and/or may be involved in some type of high-risk behavior, such as uncontrollable spending sprees, habitual reckless driving and/or participating in unusual sexual encounters and behaviors. Usually the individual denies that anything is wrong when in a manic state (Manic-Depressive/Bipolar Disorder, 2000). A person experiencing the depression state of bipolar disorder may have feelings of worthlessness and/or guilt. Decreased energy and/or loss of interest in once pleasurable activities may also be symptoms of clinical depression. A depressed person may have trouble concentrating and/or have trouble making decisions. Depression may also leave individuals contemplating suicide (Manic-Depressive/Bipolar Disorder, 2000). There are two classifications for bipolar disorder, bipolar II and bipolar I (Williams Wilkins, 1999, pp. 5-35). The combination and degree of mania and depression determine the type of bipolar illness. It is also determined by how long each stage lasts and the time frame of euthymia, having normal moods, between stages. The cycling of stages may overlap, which is referred to as a mixed episode. The diagnostic system that is currently being used by mental health professionals is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders volume four, also known as DSM-IV (Manic- Depressive/Bipolar Disorder, 2000). A patient diagnosed as having bipolar II disorder has or has had at least one episode of major depression and is experiencing or has experienced one or more episodes of hypomania. Hypomanic episodes have the same symptoms of mania only to a lesser degree. .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 , .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 .postImageUrl , .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 , .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09:hover , .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09:visited , .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09:active { border:0!important; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09:active , .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09 .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua9bfb9688f7f14abbb73dfc00e222a09:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sectionalism 1820-1860 Essay It is important for treatment to start .
Sunday, April 5, 2020
The Mafia Essays - Sicilian Mafia Commission,
The Mafia The Mafia The Mafia, a well-known crime organization, is still prevalent in society today. In the past five years the Sicilian Mafia has taken some heavy hits, with the murders of two leading prosecutors in Mafia-related trials (Coming back). The prosecutors were Giovanni Falcone ( see picture), and Paulo Borsellino. Their successors have managed to put behind bars their murderers and an entire Mafia "cupola" ( Coming Back). So what exactly is the Mafia? And where did it originate? The word "Mafia" has two meanings, one is that it means "manly" and the other is " Morte alla Franca Italia Anela" which means, " death to France is Italy's cry" ( Mafia History). The meaning came from the fact that Italians more specifically Sicilians, had to adapt to numerous invasions from Arabs, Norman's and the French. The word Mafia in Arab also means refuge. The original inhabitants of Sicily were oppressed and had to seek places of shelter and refuge ( Arlacchi ). The Norman's when invading Sicily in the 11th century; the native people were forced into labor on the large estates their rulers made. Their only way of escape was to seek shelter in the hills on the island of Sicily ( refer to picture of Corleone). There in the hills the natives formed " Secret societies " that were meant to unify the natives against their enemies. The societies created a bond or strong sense of family based on their Sicilian heritage ( Mafia History). Their societies began to form structure and the idea of family was carried out through this framework. The layout was strongly hierarchical. At the head of the organizations were Dons or chiefs, who were in supreme control of the Mafia chapters in each village ( Coming Back ). They however reported to the " don of dons" who lived in the capital of Sicily, the city of Palermo. Mafia leadership is the "Cupola" much like a board of directors ( blumenthal p14). The Mafia Dons never really got into the actual "business" they were involved in as not to get their hands dirty. They formed individual units called Caporegime that answered to the Don. The Caporegime controlled the"soldiers" or workers that did the dirty work of collecting debts and even murder (Arlacchi 23). " Joining the Mafia is a lifetime commitment stronger than family from which you cannot retire, you are bound by blood and sworn by secrecy ( Mafia History)." To join the Mafia you must take an oath based on five principals. The Omerta, is the first principal it is the code of silence that no matter what, even under the threat of torture or death, you will reveal no secrets. Second you must pledge total obedience to your don. Third you must lend assistance to any befriended Mafia faction. Fourth you must vow to avenge any attack on members of the family, " an attack on one is an attack on all." Fifthly and the most important is to avoid any and all contact with the law ( Mafia History). By the 19th century the Mafia had grown vast and strong. It had once been a small group of rebels that had turned into a large criminal society ( I.O.C.G). In these early times of the Mafia the most common form of extortion was the handing out of "Black Hand Notes." These notes were handed to wealthy citizens, and were sincere requests for large sums of money in exchange for some form of protection. If the victims did not comply with the note, they could expect bombings, kidnappings, and murders to help convince them ( Mafia History). In 1876 a Mafia don Raffeale Palizzo ran for political office to infiltrate Sicilian government, and run it from inside and outside the law. He succeeded in getting elected by holding many voters under gunpoint. Inside the government he had Don Crispi of Sicily elected Prime minister. Twenty-six hundred public administrators were indicted for corruption and other crimes in Sicily ( Arlacchi 28-29). The whole island had come under Mafia control and they began to suck national funds into their hands. Yet the Mafia was and always will be opposed by some people or organizations. Opposition to the Mafia was always met with violence ( Blumenthal 7). A well-known example of this, is the case of a man Emanuel Notarbartolo who was the director of the bank in Sicily. Emanuel publicly announced that he promised to rid the land of the Mafia once and for all. In 1893 he was assassinated, and don Palizzo took
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on Abolish Affirmative Action
Are we not all equal? Are we not all able to get an education? Then why is affirmative action needed? If we are equal and have the same skills why should a minority, certain race, religion or sect get a job over the average â€Å"Joe†? This is why I believe affirmative action should be abolished. Affirmative action is a policy or a program that seeks to redress past discrimination through active measures to ensure equal opportunity, as in education and employment. It is called preferential selection, which means selection on the basis of race, gender, or ethnicity. It was introduced by president Lyndon B. Johnson’s Executive Order 11246, requiring employers to use â€Å"affirmative action†to make sure they were not discriminating. In doing this it may be forcing businesses to hire less qualified personel. People may also cheat this system by taking advantage of a businesses obligation to affirmative action. People may fake indian heritage, hispanic, or african decent. An example of this is the University of Colorado which hired Ward Churchill. He became an associate member of the Keetoowah tribe by telling them he was an author who could help their people. To become a member of this Cherokee tribe it is required to have at least one-fourth Cherokee blood, but Churchill is believed to have less than one-sixteenth, which doesn’t qualify him as American Indian. The university had hired him, without any real qualifications, to fulfill their requirements. Now he is being charged with plagiarizing is work, threatening students and comparing victims of September 11, 2001 to the Nazi party. Over the past few years, affirmative action has been under attack by those who claim that it is nothing more than â€Å"reverse discrimination†. Given the situation where two candidates for college admissions or for a job or promotion possessed about equal qualifications, voters were asked whether or not any weight should be given to th... Free Essays on Abolish Affirmative Action Free Essays on Abolish Affirmative Action Are we not all equal? Are we not all able to get an education? Then why is affirmative action needed? If we are equal and have the same skills why should a minority, certain race, religion or sect get a job over the average â€Å"Joe†? This is why I believe affirmative action should be abolished. Affirmative action is a policy or a program that seeks to redress past discrimination through active measures to ensure equal opportunity, as in education and employment. It is called preferential selection, which means selection on the basis of race, gender, or ethnicity. It was introduced by president Lyndon B. Johnson’s Executive Order 11246, requiring employers to use â€Å"affirmative action†to make sure they were not discriminating. In doing this it may be forcing businesses to hire less qualified personel. People may also cheat this system by taking advantage of a businesses obligation to affirmative action. People may fake indian heritage, hispanic, or african decent. An example of this is the University of Colorado which hired Ward Churchill. He became an associate member of the Keetoowah tribe by telling them he was an author who could help their people. To become a member of this Cherokee tribe it is required to have at least one-fourth Cherokee blood, but Churchill is believed to have less than one-sixteenth, which doesn’t qualify him as American Indian. The university had hired him, without any real qualifications, to fulfill their requirements. Now he is being charged with plagiarizing is work, threatening students and comparing victims of September 11, 2001 to the Nazi party. Over the past few years, affirmative action has been under attack by those who claim that it is nothing more than â€Å"reverse discrimination†. Given the situation where two candidates for college admissions or for a job or promotion possessed about equal qualifications, voters were asked whether or not any weight should be given to th...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Virtue Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Virtue Ethics - Essay Example s of character make one a good man?†According to Christianity, morality is divine command; the fact of applying reason in identifying what’s moral and what isn’t. Jesus was on different occasions asked if there was a particular right way of doing things, like the proper method of worship, or what to do to gain eternal life. In His responses to all such questions, Jesus said there were no specific ways of doing things right; that there were not set of rules or laws. Renaissance came up with moral law, which is what determined the right or wrong thing to do. Many later day philosophers, such as Anscombe (1958), have disagreed with the renaissance view, insisting there shouldn’t be any law because, in any case, there can’t be a law without a lawgiver. Virtues are defined by Aristotle as character traits manifested in habitual action. He says no virtue exists in the extremes. Rather, virtue comes in between the two extremes. For instance, courage comes in between cowardice and foolhardiness. In both Christianity and philosophy, virtue ethics is not dictated by any set of laws. In both cases, virtue ethics is not in what one does or their action, but rather lies in their
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Interpreter of Maladies, Symbols of Love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interpreter of Maladies, Symbols of Love - Essay Example The house triggers memories of the life they had together. It is a story of remembered and lost love. Shukumar and Shoba have taken to living separate lives in their own home. â€Å"He and Shoba had become experts at avoiding each other in their three bedroom house.†(Lahiri 1999, p7) This thought makes Shukumar remember how it was before. He used to look forward to the weekends, when they simply spent time together. They would look into each other’s eyes and reach for each other, before they went to sleep. Their home started as a place where the couple spent time together and loved each other. They were expecting to start a family there. As Shukumar is preparing the evening meal he remembers the time Shoba would take care of the cooking. â€Å"The pantry was always stocked with extra bottles of olive and corn oil.†(Lahiri 1999, p9) He thought about how Shoba would always go to the market to make sure they had enough food in their home. Boxes and jars of food filled the room to the point they thought grandchildren would enjoy the treats waiting there. When friends would come by she would cook grand meals that seemed like she was cooking the entire day. Now Shukumar did the cooking. He used recipes that Shoba had, with hand written notes stating the date the couple shared the meal. Shoba, at one time, nurtured her home with food and friends. She made sure that there was more than enough. During this time the neighborhood is experiencing scheduled blackouts. The dynamic of their relationship changes as they share secrets in the dark. â€Å"Something happened when the house was dark.†(Lahiri 1999, p23) They started to talk, after months of virtual silence. They open themselves up to each other, eventually confessing their biggest secrets. Shoba plans to move into her own apartment. Shukumar confesses that he held their son, something she didn’t get to do. He promised that he would never tell her because of his love for her, but the last few days show that he
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism
Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism Eagelton’s essay, Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism, was first published in the New Left Review in 1983 in which his post Marxist analysis of literature is exposed. He accounts for capitalism influence on art and its role. The capitalist and late capitalist areas have seen two new forms of literature appear: modern and postmodern. The modern, Eagleton explains, â€Å"In bracketing off the real social world, establish[es] a critical, negating distance between itself and the ruling social order†[1], while postmodern works accepts the fact that it is a commodity and thus conflicts between its material reality and its aesthetic structure. Capitalism has turned art into a commodity, and after analysing this claim, the characteristics of modern and postmodern genres will be analysed, so as to understand literature’s role. Eagleton explains how â€Å"High modernity [†¦] was born at a stroke with mass commodity culture.†[2] Capitalism, as defined by Marx is the bourgeois doctrine by which they are in possession of the modes of production and manufacture goods, sold for a profit. According to most Marxist thinkers, including Eagleton, art became one of the goods that the bourgeoisie wants to monopolise, produce and sell. Art has become a commodity, dissolved into social life. Eagleton denounces the effects of late capitalism on art: â€Å"if the artefact is a commodity, the commodity can always be an artefact. Art and life indeed interbreed†[3]. Eagleton points out that that the â€Å"performative principle†, which he redefines as the deliverance of goods, also applies to the capitalist conception of art. The use of â€Å"best seller†as criteria of advertisement for literature proves that literature has become a mass commodity good. Art and literature have been influenced by some characteristics of late capitalism, such as virtual reality based on mass consumerism. Our society focuses on commodities sold to and ideologically integrated by the consumer: â€Å"The commodity is less an image in the sense of a â€Å"reflection†than an image of itself, its entire material being devoted to its own self-presentation†[4]. Art has become centred on its own image, role and place within society, because it has somehow lost its utopian role of mirroring the world, as if capitalism has perverted its function: â€Å"If the unreality of the artistic image mirrors the unreality of its society as a whole, then it is to say that it mirrors nothing real and so does not really mirror at all.†[5] Modernism and postmodernism are genres that emerged in the capitalist and late capitalist stages. They seem to have a common point: to focus on their role and concentrate on self identity. Eagleton uses de Man’s deconstructivist theory to define modernism: â€Å"Literature defines and pre-empts its own cultural institutionalisation by textually introjecting it, hugging the very chains which bind it, discovering its own negative form of transcendence in its power of literally naming, and thus partially distancing, its own failure to engage in the real.†[6] Modernism attempts at representing the real, but cannot do so and raises a paradox: it â€Å"resists commodification†[7] but is nonetheless part of it, thus part of the social and cultural superstructure of society, which it denies. Denying being part of the capitalist mass commodity is the very core of modern failure to represent the real. Postmodernism appears as a more cynical genre. Some of its features are the blurring of boundaries, pastiche and grotesque. It does not attempt to represent the world, since it is virtual, and would thus fail to describe it. Postmodernism seems to be very different from modernism on the ground that: â€Å"If the work of art really is a commodity, it might as well admit it†[8] and â€Å"become aesthetically what it is economically†[9]. Eagleton also suggests that postmodersism aims at parodying the commodity production, without adding any meaning in it; if meaning was added in the pastiche, making it parody, it would serve to alienate the self from reality, and according to postmodern thought, there is no reality it can be alienated from. All these features aim at empting the social content of art. Eagleton assessed the features of literature genres characteristic of capitalist stages, in order to draw a critical and theoretical approach of literature. He seems to focus on its ideological role, which is, more than its representational value, its only role left. Modernism deconstructs the â€Å"unified subject of bourgeois humanism, draws upon key negative aspects of the actual experience of such subject in late bourgeois society, which often enough does not at all correspond to the official ideological version.†[10] Indeed, literature acts as an ideology denouncing ideology. Capitalist ideology professes that mass consumption finally fulfils libidinal desires, when in fact, as modernism exposes, takes us away from our self and reality, from the â€Å"unified subject†â€â€a harmonious societyâ€â€that late bourgeoisie claims to have reached. Postmodernism, despite not embracing the reality of society, draws upon ideological inconsistencies of the bourgeois di scourse, thus rendering itself ideological. It shows the incapacity of complying with the capitalist ideology: â€Å"the subject of late capitalism is neither simply the self-regulating synthetic agent posited by classical humanist ideology, nor merely a decentred network of desire, but a contrary amalgam of the two.†[11] The impossibility for the self to comply with all its obligationsâ€â€familial, consumering, workingâ€â€in the late capitalist society is denounced by postmodernism. It seems that Eagleton places literature at the centre of ideology, as a resistance to bourgeois ideology. De man explains that â€Å"the bases for historical knowledge are not empirical facts but written texts, even if these texts masquerade in the guise of wars and revolution†[12]; literature is at the heart of our knowledge, ideologically built, and seems to remain so, decades after the end of ideology was proclaimed. BIBLIOGRAPHY Modern Criticism and Theory, a Reader. Ed. D. Lodge. Eagleton, â€Å"Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism†. Longman: London and New York, 1988. 1 Footnotes [1]Modern Criticism and Theory, a Reader. Ed. D. Lodge. Eagleton, â€Å"Capitalsim, Modernism and Postmodernism†. Longman: London and New York, 1988. p 392. [2] Ibid. [3] Ibid. p386-387. [4] Ibid. p.387. [5] Ibid. [6] Ibid. p.391. [7] Ibid. p.392. [8] Ibid. [9] Ibid. p.393. [10] Ibid. p.395. [11] Ibid. p.396. [12] Ibid. p.390.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Go Ask Alice Essay -- essays research papers
Go Ask Alice! Alice is fifteen, white, middle, class. She diets, she dates. She loves Roger but the most time he doesn’t notice her. If she would ever sleep with a boy she would sleep with him. Alice hates her look. She wants to be pretty and slim. Lately she loses fascination about all things. School is boring and she doesn’t even go to parties. Her parents want to move. Her Dad is invited to become the Dean of the Political Science at - . Alice is happy and is not hard for her to leave the old school. But she misses her old house and her grandparents who she calls gramp and gran. Alice has a brother called Tim and a sister Alexandria. The two are younger than Alice. At her new school it is horrible for her. Nobody speaks to her the first days. but her brother and sister like the new school. Finally she finds a friend at school. Her name is Gerda, but Alice’s mother and father don’t like her. Alice doesn’t feel happy in her family. She hates his sister and her brother more than she loves them. Tim is intolerable and her mother is constantly Peking at her. Alice gets to know Beth Baum. Beth is Jewish and her father is a doctor. Her mother nags a lot. Alice’s parents like Beth, because she is pretty nice. In the holidays Beth goes on a summer camp for six weeks and Alice stays at her grans. One day she meets Jill Peters and she invites her for a party. Alice doesn’t like taking drugs. She wants to stop it...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Lecturer’s Personality
NATIONAL FORUM OF TEACHER EDUCATION JOURNAL-ELECTRONIC VOLUME 16 NUMBER 3E, 2005-2006 EFFECTIVE TEACHER STUDY Max Malikow Assistant Professor Le Moyne College ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to quantify student evaluated teacher effectiveness in order to ascertain the grade level, subject, and characteristics of exceptionally effective teachers as reported by 361 Le Moyne College students. In this study the students were provide with the following definition of exceptionally effective: showing the ability to go beyond the ordinary in producing desired results. The students were instructed that they could select one of their teachers from any grade level or subject. The distribution of selected teachers is as follows: 315 secondar5y teachers, 34 primary teachers, 11 college professors, and 1 parish priest. Subject areas of frequently selected secondary teachers are: social studies (89), English (89), mathematics (55), foreign language (33), and science (27). Personality characteristics most often cited by the students were: challenging/had reasonably high expectations (82), sense of humor (59), enthusiastic (56), creative (39), caring (39), explains complicated material well (39), and flexible instructional style (33). 1 NATIONAL FORUM OF TEACHER EDUCATION JOURNAL-ELECTRONIC 2___________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Who are exceptionally effective teachers and what are their characteristics? This is a study conducted at Le Moyne College from 1998-2004. I. Introduction A. Statement of the Research Question The purpose of this study is to quantify student evaluated teacher effectiveness in order to ascertain the grade level, subject, and characteristics of exceptionally effective teachers as reported by 361 Le Moyne College students. In this study the students were provided with the following definition of exceptionally effective: showing the ability to go beyond the ordinary in producing desired results. Teacher preparation programs, as part of their accreditation process, are increasingly attentive to any information to assist in making adjustments and modifications to improve the outcome. Formal evaluations of graduates and students are useful. I have attempted to undertake a continual form of information gathering from classes I teach that ultimately may be useful for this purpose. B. Rationale for the Research The value of this study is that the accomplishment of the research question would make a contribution to the Le Moyne College teacher education program. The goal of this department is to prepare effective teachers for tomorrow’s schools†(Le Moyne College Catalog 2004-2005, p. 91). The result of having identified the grade levels, subjects, and common characteristics of over 350 teachers assessed by their students as exceptionally effective serves to better inform the Education Department faculty of the qualities that make teachers memorable as instructors who are effective in their work. Therefore the department members will be better equipped to evaluate their own program in the light of this information. MAX MALIKOW ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________3 II. Methodology A. EDU 215 Writing Assignment EDU 215: Learning in a Sociocultural Context is a required course for Le Moyne College education majors who are preparing to teach at the secondary level (grades 7-12). â€Å"It involves students in examining, analyzing, and developing theories of how students learn within a social, cultural, and political context †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Le Moyne College Catalog 2004-2005, p. 97). One requirement of the EDU 215 classes I teach is a reflective paper. I encourage the students not to begin this writing assignment early in the course. I explain that they would find the paper easier to write if they first experience at least half of the fifteen weeks of the material. The learning outcome associated with this assignment is for students to organize and articulate their thoughts and experiences concerning the characteristics and behaviors of exceptionally effective teachers. The students are required to select one of their own teachers from any grade or subject who could be described as an exceptionally effective teacher. An in-class presentation to the students elucidates an exceptionally effective teacher as one who demonstrates extraordinary ability in the following areas of teaching: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Communication of material Motivation of students Provision of an environment conducive to learning Maintenance of student interest Classroom management (discipline) Appropriate relationships with students The following is the assignment’s specifications as they appeared in the EDU 215 syllabus. An Exceptionally Effective Teacher The instructions provided to the students is fairly standard, with the paper no less than four and no more than six pages in length, typed, double-spaced, and compositionally flawless. It must include all of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. The teacher’s name and subject/grade level A synecdoche His/her methodologies (repertoire of instructional strategies) His/her means of testing and evaluation NATIONAL FORUM OF TEACHER EDUCATION JOURNAL-ELECTRONIC 4___________________________________________________________ _______________________________ 5. 6. . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. His/her teaching environment (physical and psychological-emotional) His/her administration of discipline His/her personality (including a sense-of-humor) Scholarship (i. e. evaluate the selected teacher as a scholar) His/her use of relevancy in instruction His/her preparedness for class (i. e. organization) His/her ability to motivate students An interview with this teacher or someone who is familiar with this teacher (optional) I explain to the students that a synecdoche (specification number 2) is a figure of speech in which a part is used for a whole. The example I use is the phrase to break bread in which bread is used but an entire meal is understood. In the context of this assignment, the students are required to describe one incident featuring the selected teacher that would communicate a substantial understanding of the teacher’s style and philosophy of teaching. A colloquial way of expressing the rationale for the synecdoche is: it is one story that communicates what this teacher is all about. B. Description of the Sample The number of the students in the sample is 361 (n = 361). Since the sample consists of students from classes taught by me this is a convenience sample. Specifically, the students are from sixteen EDU 215 sections ranging from the fall semester of 1998 to the spring semester of 2004. As previously stated, EDU 215 students are preparing for careers in secondary teaching. With few exceptions, the students are sophomores. Also, as previously stated, the writing assignment is a course requirement. Consequently, all students who complete EDU 215 for credit accomplish the assigned paper. In the sample, all of the students addressed the assignment’s specifications sufficiently to have earned a grade of C or better. C. Procedure for Analysis of Archival Data From the fall semester of 1998 to the spring semester of 2004 a total of 361 essays were written by the students in the EDU 215 classes taught by me. This archival was organized by first categorizing teachers by grade level (if K-6) or subject (if 7-12). College teachers were grouped in one category. This distinction is made to accommodate for selected secondary and college MAX MALIKOW ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________5 teachers who students had more than once. For example, some science teachers taught the students in both biology and chemistry. The categorization of the teachers in this manner resulted in a total of 21 subcategories of teachers: seven primary grade subcategories, ten secondary subject categories, three subcategories of college professors, and one parish priest. This data answers the following research question: Of the 361 selected teachers, what is their distribution according to grade level or subject? In-class discussions with the students on the day the assignment is turned in includes the following question: From the assignment’s specifications or your own thoughts, what are the two characteristics that most contributed to your selected teacher’s effectiveness? All students are asked the question with their responses recorded by me. Nine characteristics were possibilities from the assignment. Due to 16 student absences on the days of these discussions, 690 responses were recorded rather than the 722 responses that would have resulted from perfect attendance. The record of the student responses provides the answer to the following research question: What are the characteristics of exceptionally effective teachers most frequently cited by the students in this study? III. Presentation of the Findings A. Textual Presentation The teacher category most frequently selected is an equal number of students (89) who selected either a social studies or English teacher. These two categories combined for 49. 3 percent of the exceptionally effective teachers in this study. Other secondary teachers selected are in the disciplines of mathematics (15. percent), foreign language (9. 1 percent), science (7. 5 percent), physical education (2. 4 percent), health (1. 7 percent), technology (1. 1 percent), art (. 5 percent), and music (. 3 percent). In total, elementary teachers represent 9. 4 percent of the selections. The two grade levels with the highest representation are third and fifth (8). The 11 college professors chosen constitute 3 percent of the sele ctions. The college professors are in the disciplines of English (7), history (3), and mathematics (1). One student selected a parish priest who taught a confirmation class. For a tabular presentation of the distribution of the selected teachers see Table 3. 1. The total number of characteristics cited by the sample was 36. The exceptionally effective teacher trait most frequently expressed by the students was challenging with reasonable expectations (11. 9 percent). The percentage of response was computed by dividing the number of citations for this trait (82) by the total citations in the study (690). Sense of humor is the NATIONAL FORUM OF TEACHER EDUCATION JOURNAL-ELECTRONIC 6___________________________________________________________ _______________________________ second most frequently cited characteristic (8. 5 percent). Three characteristics are tied for third place in the frequency standings: explains complicated material well, caring, and creative (each 5. 6 percent). Other frequently cited traits are: flexible instructional style (4. 8 percent), approachable, available, interested in students, and organized (each 4. 2 percent). For a tabular presentation of the selected characteristics data see Table 3. . B. Tabular Presentation Table 3. 1: Distribution of Selected Teachers Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Grades 7-12 Social Studies English Mathematics Foreign Language Science Physical Education Health Technology Art Music College English History Mathematics Other Priest 5 1 1 8 4 8 7 89 89 55 33 27 9 6 4 2 1 6 3 2 1 MAX MALIKOW __________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________7 Table 3. 2: Cited Characteristics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Challenging/Had Reasonably High Expectations Sense of Humor Enthusiastic Creative Caring Explains Complicated Material Well Flexible Instructional Style Approachable Available Interested in Students Organized Flexible to Classroom Situations Dedicated Inspiring Practical Made Material Relevant Optimistic About Students Energetic Engaging Exciting Learned/Brilliant/Scholarly Warm Humble Good Listener Patient Authentic/Real/Appropriately Autobiographical Confident Empathic Encouraging Fair Professional Honest Insightful Moral Nonjudgmental Optimistic About Life Protective 82 59 56 39 39 39 33 29 29 29 29 23 21 21 17 13 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. NATIONAL FORUM OF TEACHER EDUCATION JOURNAL-ELECTRONIC 8___________________________________________________________ _______________________________ IV. Analysis of the Findings A. Limitations of the Study and Implications for Future Research As previously stated, the sample is drawn from a course that consisted entirely of students preparing for a career in secondary teaching. If the sample had been drawn from a comparable course for prospective elementary school teachers the distribution of exceptionally effective teachers might have been different. It would be interesting to see if a sample of students preparing for teaching at the primary level would select more primary teachers as exceptionally effective. The study did not include a reckoning of the intended teaching area of the students and their selected teacher. For example, there may have been a high representation of prospective social studies and English teachers in the sample. It would require an interview with the students to determine if their intended subject influenced their teacher selection. An examination of the cited characteristics demonstrates redundancies. For example, caring is a characteristic cited 39 times and interested in students 29 times. Arguably these two traits constitute a verbal distinction without a meaningful difference. My decision to record the words and phrases actually used by the students’ accounts for perceived redundancies. As with any study that employs a convenience sample, this study’s results cannot be taken as representative of nonparticipating individuals. However, this limitation does not render this study inconsequential. The sample size is substantial and a methodology for future studies has been formulated and tested. Six students in this study stated that their selected teachers are responsible for their decision to pursue a teaching career. These statements were not solicited either as a requirement of the writing assignment or in the class discussions. This implies that there may be more than six students who were so influenced. It would be interesting to know how many students opted for a career in teaching because of a teacher. A future quantitative study could generate the data to address this curiosity. As with many studies, while this study answered questions it gave rise to others: Why were so many social studies and English teachers selected? Is there something about the content of these subjects that accounts for the perceived effectiveness of those who teach social studies and English? Do social studies and English attract individuals with personalities that are conducive to the work of teaching? Is there a gender correlation between the students and selected teachers? MAX MALIKOW ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________9 B. Value and Application of the Study A well known psycho-lexical study reveals that there are 17,953 words in an unabridged English dictionary describing personality characteristics (Allport and Odbert, 1936). Individuals involved in teacher training, hiring, and mentoring are beneficiaries of studies that document the personality traits that correlate with teacher effectiveness. These individuals are engaged in significant work. An awareness of the characteristics that correlate with and contribute to effective teaching should be nurtured in training and mentoring as well as recognized in hiring. Concerning employment, an implication of this study is the use of personality assessment instruments like the M. M. P. I. (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) as part of the employment process. REFERENCES Allport, G. W. & Odbert, H. (1936):Trait-names: A Psycho-lexical Study. Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, 47, 171-220. (1, whole number 211).
Friday, January 3, 2020
Benefits And Benefits Of Hunting - 1747 Words
Benefits of Hunting One of the most controversial topics in the past and even more so today is hunting. Hunting has been around as long as we know it. Ancient civilizations hunted as a source of food, tools, and clothes. Hunting is the act of one animal pursuing another wild animal and killing it. Humans much like other animals hunt mainly for a source of food, although; humans also hunt as a way of protecting their selves, to remove unwanted animals, and to eliminate predators. Hunting for many has become a challenge; a challenge to kill the elusive game the hunter or huntress is in pursuit of. Many people around the world hunt all different kinds of game. Some animals have become extinct due to over hunting the animals, but laws have been put in place to protect this from happening to other animals. Wildlife conservation foundations have greatly benefited from hunters who have donated billions of dollars to these foundations. Hunters around the world enjoy the pastime, however; to such groups like PET A (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) despise hunting. These anti-hunting groups go as far as condemning those who take part in hunting as a recreational activity of killing animals. Even though many people and groups are against hunting, hunting has boosts local and national economies, improves society, and manages animal populations, which in turn helps the environment. First, without hunting animal populations would be out of control. Even though the naturalShow MoreRelatedHunting : The Benefits Of Wildlife Conservation1237 Words  | 5 PagesThe Benefits of Hunting Conservation is the protection and preservation of nature (Peterson 53). Hunting is an important part of the conservation of wildlife. Hunting is widely considered a crucial part of wildlife conservation. Hunting benefits wildlife by controlling the population, raising funds for wildlife conservation, and protect wildlife. In America, there are 15 million hunters annually (â€Å"Hunting conservation†1). Hunting is a common activity around the world. Hunting is performed for severalRead MoreHunting Benefits Wildlife Conservation2777 Words  | 11 Pagesother conservation groups and organizations. Hunting is the pursuance and killing of wild animals for food, trade, or for sport. Hunting has been in the center of this management movement and in the heart of animal conservation. Hunting contributes greatly to the conservation and management of wildlife populations. The Anti-Hunting community views hunting as a murderous activity that hunters use simply for enjoyment (IDA). They argue that hunting may have been a necessity for the survival ofRead MoreThe Many Benefits of Hunting Essay975 Words  | 4 Pageslion named Cecil he received an onslaught of criticism and reignited the debate concerning hunting. I hunt. I have hunted for years and I dont see anything wrong with it.  The reasons I hunt are for the meat, I think it tastes better than store-bought meat and it doesnt have any additives in it, and for the time I get to spend out in the mountains. However, there are some people who are against hunting. The deer and elk population is growing at an alarming rate. According to Outdoor Life, theRead More The Many Benefits of Hunting Essay2174 Words  | 9 Pagesconcerning hunting. To many people, hunting is a cruel and inhuman act. For others, hunting is a sport and a way of life. Is hunting ethical? Should hunting be allowed to continue? First off, what is hunting? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, hunting is a â€Å"sport that involves the seeking, pursuing, and killing of wild animals and birds, called game and game birds, primarily in modern times with firearms but also with bow and arrow†(â€Å"hunting†). It is my firm belief that most hunting shouldRead MoreHunting Should Be Allowed1412 Words  | 6 PagesShelby Morgan Professor Colon ENC 1102 July 17, 2009 Hunting Should Be Allowed Hunting is beneficial to our society and therefore should be allowed. Historically human beings have been pursuing wild animals to provide their families with food, clothing, and shelter. In modern times the need for hunting for survival has lessened because of the development of animal husbandry and agriculture. There were times in history worldwide when hunting became profitable and hunters began killing animalsRead MoreHunting Is Not A Fair Thing1672 Words  | 7 Pages Hunting, meaning tracking or trapping of wild animals is one of the oldest activities known to mankind. Back in the days, hunting was a necessity of life for our ancestors to be able to obtain food for nourishment. People still hunt animals for food, but it’s more of a recreational activity now and laws govern which specific animals can be hunted. People who disagree about hunting say that it is detrimental to the beautiful nature, which results in numerous accidents every year and isRea d MoreWildlife Management: Why People Hunt? Essay1092 Words  | 5 PagesHumans have been hunting on this planet for over two million years. Our ancestors used complex hunting techniques to ambush and kill antelopes, gazelles, and other large animals dated back to times before Christ. People all around the world still carry on the tradition, but the view on hunting is not the same as it was back then. The world is so industrialized, and people think hunting is cruel and useless because you can buy meat at grocery stores. But in reality, it is the reason the wildlife theyRead MoreHunting : An Effective Tool For Wildlife Management And Preservation Of Wildlife1577 Words  | 7 Pages Hunting not only provides people with healthy organic meat, it is also instrumental in the management and preservation of wildlife not only through the hunting itself, but also by the money generated by hunters that is used for this purpose. Hunting has existed since the dawn of time and contin ues to play a key role in providing people with the food they need to survive. Hunting plays many important roles in our world and has been a very effective tool for wildlife management and hopefullyRead MorePersuasive Essay On Hunting1573 Words  | 7 Pagesmay say hunting is cruel and barbaric, have they ever thought about the upsides to be gained from hunting? While this is a topic that can be argued viciously back and forth, I believe hunters win the argument. Deer hunting keeps the population down, protects farmers’ crops, boosts economic sales, betters a person’s mental health, and teaches lifelong lessons on respect. These are just a few of the amazing benefits that can be gained from hunting. To further my knowledge on deer hunting and its usesRead MoreThe Effects Of Hunting On The World Of Hunting889 Words  | 4 PagesThe hunting society has changed drastically throughout the years due to developmental studies with technology a huge game changer in the world of hunting, and with the impact of over population of deer in the U.S has made a big impact on our crops and forests, and how hunting can be good for your health with it providing exercise and healthy eating. I will now begin to skim the surface of these subjects. Hunting is a very controversial subject that has only become more sensitive now days. Some say
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